Digging into Page Object Model

Digging into Page Object Model Page Object Model It is a design pattern that is used in test automation. It creates Object Repository for web UI elements. The advantage of the page object model is that it reduces duplication of code. It also improves test maintenance. Page object is an object oriented class that can be used as an interface to […]

Deep Dive with Asscertions in JMeter

Deep Dive with Asscertions in JMeter Assertions in JMeter: JMeter is an open source load testing tool. It can be used to validate performance on both static and dynamic resources. JMeter is used to test the overall performance of the system under different load types. It has complete portability and 100% Java purity. It has the ability to assert the […]

Digging into Components of JMeter

Digging into Components of JMeter Components of JMeter JMeter is an open source tool used for performance testing. There are different components in JMeter and each component has its specific purpose. Components of JMeter are also called elements of JMeter. Components of JMeter are thread group, samplers, logic controllers, listeners, configuration elements, assertions, timers and processor. But, here I want […]

Digging into Test Plan in JMeter

Digging into Test Plan in JMeter Test Plan in JMeter Apache Jmeter is an open source desktop application based on Java. Apache JMeter helps us to do performance testing of a webpage by creating test plans. You can create test plan by following below steps. Open JMeter. In JMeter, left side consists of all the elements of JMeter and right […]

Digging into JMeter for Load Testing

Digging into JMeter for Load Testing JMeter Load Testing It is a testing process which can be done using a load testing tool named as Apache JMeter. Apache Jmeter is an open source desktop application based on Java. JMeter for load testing is a tool that checks whether the web application under test can satisfy load requirements or not. It […]

Deep Dive with JMeter

Deep Dive with JMeter Introduction to JMeter JMeter is an open source software. It was designed to test functional behavior and measure performance. It was developed by Stefano Mazzocchi. JMeter is used to analyze and measure the performance of web application and many other services. Performance Testing is a testing technique in which we test a web application against heavy load, multiple and […]

Digging Dive Selenium Tips & Tricks

Digging Dive Selenium Tips & Tricks Selenium Webdriver Tips & Tricks For testing web applications, Selenium Webdriver is a powerful automation tool. It’s an open source tool with a rich set of features. We can use it for testing a website. It is just like simulating the actions of a real user. These abilities together make it a perfect automation […]

Digging Deep into Explicit & Implicit Wait

Digging Deep into Explicit & Implicit Wait Explicit & Implicit wait In executing tests, “waits” plays an important role in selenium. Sometimes, issues may occur due to time lag. These issues can be resolved using “waits”. As the name suggest, wait is elapse in a task execution for a certain amount of time before going to the next step. Ajax […]

Walk through TestNG

Walk through Test Next Generation Introduction to Walk through TestNG TestNG is an open source testing framework that’s used for the Java programming languages. It was created by Cedric Beust. In TestNG, NG stands for “Next Generation”. It had been developed in the line of JUnit and NUnit, however TestNG introduced many new functionalities. These new functionalities make it more […]

Walk through JUnit

Walk through JUnit Introduction to JUnit It is a unit testing framework which is used for the Java Programming language. When we write code, we wish to know whether it behaves as expected. Units are the small module of the system. JUnit is used to test the functionality of one unit of a system. So, when we test individual methods, […]



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