Types of XPath Methods

Types of XPath Methods as follows: Below are the methods which are used widely. contains() – This method used in an XPath expression. It is very handy XPath Selenium locator & sometimes it saves the life of a test automation engineer. When an attribute of an element is dynamic, then you can use contains() for the constant part of the web […]

Difference between findElement & fineElements method

Difference between findElement & fineElements method Before going much deeper into the differences between the methods firstly lets just get to know what is findElement() and findElements(). What is findElement? findElement() in selenium is used for identifying web elements. A command used to uniquelyy identify a web element within the web source page. This method is used to access a […]

Understanding findElement() commands

What is findElement? findElement() in selenium is used for identifying web elements. A command used to uniquelyy identify a web element within the web source page. This method is used to access a single web element on a web page. It returns the first matching element. It throws a NoSuchElementException exception when it fails to find If the element. Syntax of […]

Difference Between Java & C#

Difference Between Java & C# In Java & C# we can have many major differences and similarities between them. Below are the few list of differences as follows: Java C# Java is high level, secured , robust and objects oriented programming language developed by Oracle. C# is and Object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft which runs only on .Net […]

What is difference between Package & Namespace

What is difference between Package & Namespace Packages Packages help is to organize classes and interfaces, Therefore, it improves maintainability. It also prevents naming collisions & provides access protection. There are two types of packages; lang, awt, swing, io, and sql are some built-in packages available in Java. Programmer can use those classes in these packages on his program. In […]

Steps to write the first selenium C-Sharp

Steps to write the first selenium C-Sharp Lets see the Steps to write the first selenium C-Sharp At the top of the program you need to add the selenium namespace. //Adding Namespace using OpenQA.Selenium; using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox; Add the following code in your static void Main section. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; //Adding Namespace using OpenQA.Selenium; […]

Setup Selenium Webdriver with Visual Studio in C#. Net.

Setup Selenium Webdriver with Visual-Studio in C#. Net. Lets See Setup Selenium Webdriver with Visual Studio in C#. Net. Here we will see how to setup the selenium webdriver with visual-studio in C#.Net which will cover the following topics. How to download selenium webdriver. How to run the first selenium test. Steps to download the selenium webdriver Go to tools […]



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